About Us

ArtyCraftz.com – India’s one of leading & fast growing online shopping platform for Home Decor, Interior, Office and other essentials with more 12,000+ items under 25+ categories

ArtyCraftz.com is started on January 15, 2021 with promosing motto to join hands with Individuals, Small & Medium Business Owners & manufacturers to sell their items without keeping or adding any margins to the sellers. ArtyCraftz.com is solving major issues facing these sellers & vendors as the other eCommerce players are keep supporting sponsored listings as their priority on their platform.

Our primary goal is to provide good quality items to our customers without any middle broker as they keep higher margin to the items than regular marketplace prices. By comparitively, ArtyCraftz.com is selling at best price to the customers. The platform is said to be a Next-Gen eCommerce shopping experience provider as they are focused on implementing future-tech-enabled services to the customers. ArtyCraftz.com come-up with an idea of a No-physical Inventory or Digital Inventory Service (which owns No physical Inventory space/room) where sellers directly ship their products to the customers with ArtyCraftz Supply Chain & Logistics Assistant. The Platform adds zero listing and promotion charges in the way that they list and promote their seller products free of cost.

Tied up with more than 500 individual sellers, 100+ small business owners, and 20+ medium-sized business owners and manufacturers in the short term of time. Every month more than 100+ sellers are being helped through ArtyCraftz.com by sales. Our sellers/vendors are registered across Pan India and most of them are from remote villages areas having no options to get their products since there are no options for delivery. We are also solving these products pick-up problems through our smart-supply chain applications.

The goal of ArtyCraftz.com is to empower 10,000+ sellers and vendors by the end of the year 2025, listing more than 1,00,000+ items on our platform, and improving on faster delivery to the customers.

We also planning to upgrade our online platform by technically. Providing deals and offers to new and existing customers, rewards programs, the festival season offers, sending gift coupons/cards, spin-to-win deals, social commerce, reselling, and many.