Collection: Spatula

A spatula is being often underestimated in the kitchen, because it is a simple yet indispensable tool but it plays an crucial role in cooking and also for the baking. Our Exquisite Spatula is wonderfully crafted to embody precision, also for the versatility, and durability, making it an essential companion for any passionate about the quality. Cooking spatula  is one of the important rapid use tool in the kitchen to make food easily. spatula involves in making the food with  the help of this item. No matter what type of material the spatula is made of, what is its size or shape,  spatulas are being commonly used for mixing the food or picking up the food and transferring the food from one vessel to the another. even we have different types of kitchen design is being created the usage of spatula is an crucial part which encompasses the usage of the food to mix the highly heated things by the use of the spatula.

In ArtyCraftz we have different types of spatula being involved in our website which is affordable in the price and make an efficient usage for the cooking, For that we have Different varieties of the spatula like, Handcrafted bronze palta, handcrafted shell spatula, Handcrafted wooden spatula, it has an Eco friendly product that involves in producing a natural format of cooking to be takes place by the use of the spatula.

Handcrafted bronze palta:

Bronze Palta is being used for the cooking, Which is been playing a efficient role for mixing the food, also to take up or to transfer the food which contains high heat energy , the bronze palta is being good for the health it doesn’t emit any chemicals while cooking in the high temperature, It is an durable product will be last for long years and the usage is being very easy, Also not exceeding more weight or too heavy to manage in the cooking, It will be considering as the best spatula to make an effective cooking with these amazing product.

Handcrafted shell spatula:

Coconut shell spoon is one of the familiar traditional kitchen product used for cooking, before the arrival of metal  spatula or the metal spoons. Spatula  Spoon is made of  artistically carved and smoothened with the coconut shells with dark brown color. Coconut shell is being binded firmly with the long handle with the help of  strips and the screws. This beautifully  handcrafted wooden spatula from the South Indian comes in an different sized and this spatula can be used for all daily purposes and it will  become an integral part of your cooking usage to made an easy work.

This type of spatula is being Handcrafted by the skilled artisans, this type of shell spatula will  bring a piece of heritage to the kitchen while  supporting to an eco-friendly product and will become an elegant addition to your kitchen tools. produced  from the sustainable coconut shells, each ladle will boasts your  unique texture and the pattern, showcasing the natural beauty of coconut shell craftsmanship to make an detailed designs on the spatula. These traditional coconut spatula are intricately designed to provide a durable of functionality and an aesthetics, serving as an perfect companions for your cooking brings an perfect flavor for the food. for the spatula of coconut shull we have promoted the Different sizes of the Spatula that being created for the multiple usage being an artistic state of the creation with the use of the coconut shell.

Wooden spatula :

wooden spatula is One of the most appealing aspects of the wooden kitchenware it is natural and organic product to be use for the kitchen use. Unlike an synthetic materials, wooden spatula for cooking will make an excellent addition to your kitchen and the flavor that brings back in the cooking with the use of the wooden spatula which is  made from an renewable and the biodegradable resource.  Also wooden spatula are free from the harmful chemicals and toxins, ensure that safe for the food preparation and cooking. If you are using the wooden spatula you have an peace of mind ,knowing that you are using a healthy and sustainable option for the cooking by the use of this wooden spatula. Wooden spatula that ensures the large variety of design that are available in the different sizes, the use of durability is high comparing to the other material spatula that is being considered for the following cooking kitchen accessory. It doesn’t cause any harm for the body by the way of usage, It is completely an Eco friendly Product that support the artwork persons to promote their hard work.

In online Store Eco friendly we have different varieties of spatula to make your kitchen healthy and doesn’t cause harm for your body with these exciting wooden spatula products and the shell craved product buy with an affordable price in our store with budget friendly.